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Monday, February 28, 2011

     Here's what you should know: PhotoEditorX™ & GIMP is a powerful fully-featured all-in-one pixel-based, image manipulation, enhancement and editing program. You can use it to edit photographs and other graphics, or you can create stunning graphics from scratch with it.
You can get amazing results in just a few minutes simply by experimenting with our easy-to-use controls & special effects.
     It can be used to process digital graphics and photographs. Typical uses include creating graphics and logos, resizing and cropping photos, changing colors, combining images using a layer paradigm, removing unwanted image features, and converting between different image formats.
     It can also be used to create animated images using an improved layers method. The full capabilities of this software extend much further, however, and include advanced image editing, digital photography manipulation, and professional graphics creation.




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